I am simply amazed at how quickly I was able to convert my ideas to code and deploy it within hours using the help of Cursor. It was using Sonnet as the model. I feel like this is such an inflection point in my career and the moves we make as software engineers is going to be crucial in leading us upwards or towards obscurity. My boss gives the analogy of game engines and how before their advent, video game makers had to write their own engines. After game engines were commoditized, the bar went up for the quality of games. Similarly, boilerplate code is now commoditized and the bar is going to be raised for writing clean, maintainable software as will it be for the quality and capabilities of software from the end-user's perspective.
During the course of revamping the blog, I looked at drafts on the blog. I am going to go ahead and put them in here because it really is an amazing exercise to see what I didn't think was good enough to get there. In the lonely night in the blinking stardust of a pale blue light . . [Lyrics to that amazeball lyrics] . . Or broken. If there's a mystery in the foggy world of destiny You can have what's left of me where we were born in time. *OK What in God's name does this awesome sounding track mean?!!* Yes, a hopelessly cliched topic. But want to just write something as it has been quite sometime. I have only cheaply copy-pasted Dylan's classic as a post in the past 6-7 months i think. A lot of things 'Looking at it is like looking at the sun!! You don't stare at it!You sense it and you look away !' Seinfeld immortalized the idea and looking at the sun was never the same again. I wonder if we can beat Larry and Jerry to ...