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On the title

I am happy to have revived this blog and have a definite place to come down to coherently put down thoughts when I feel like. I also think that the blog title needs some sort of an explanation. I might maybe favorite this post so it explains a bit more. Yikes I actually do feel like that teenager/college dyood who is trying to express himself through the blog. I'm not gonna lie - it actually is a little exciting. Its very weird that I am actually imaging people flocking over here to see what this blog is about and then reading on to figure about why the blog is called and so on and so forth...
As with many other things, I feel like I spend a considerable amount of energy "documenting" stuff because I have found it hugely beneficial to come back after a few months or years and give what I wrote here a read and from there bring back that spirit of that moment. I like how music does that to me. Not music that was made in a particular period but rather music that I listened to quite a bit during that period. Of late, especially in the FOMO era, the music I listened to and the music of the moment sort of perfectly overlapped.
Anyway, way to digress my friend.
The blog.
The meaning of the title.
I honestly do believe that the human brain is the last frontier. We haven't barely even scratched the surface in understanding the astounding profundity of how it functions and how mind-numbingly meta the whole study of the brain is.
The fact that it forms the playground - the crucible for all sensory receptions that are received and how thoughts are forged here - and how these thoughts have gone on to change the course of mankind and how thoughts are what makes anything possible. Its all very poetic and me lying on my bed am not doing too much justice in being more eloquent in it's praise but I believe the strident tone of my spirit is evident. I call it a thought crucible because the blog hopes to be a verbal (readily admittedly measly) representation of that crucible - to be able to write those thoughts down and be able to connect how these thoughts are born, how I can further develop them, how these thoughts can help my immediate present and how they can be used to better my future and if I maybe so daring, the future of a few of my fellow human beings.


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