- Kaalia the crow,Suppandi,Tantri The Mantri,Kapish and the other Tinkle characters.
- Math 100 page homeworks.
- Mom getting my shoes polished and ready.
- Trying to be tall enough to unbolt the door.
- Fist Blow exchanges with sis.
- Mickey-Mouse tiffin boxes and Donald Duck water bottles.
- Just 'half' a ticket for a bus ride.
- Forming circles on the playground for lunch.
- Bated breath to catch the 2 second 'car scene' involving Drew Barrimore in Charlie's Angels.
- Little Classroom Crushes.
- Horrendous Hindi Dohas.
- Enid-Blyton Adventures.
- 'Just Mohabbat' on Sony.
- Frantic 'chalkifying' the white canvas shoes.
- Rubberbands to hold socks up during inspections.
- 'Kings' with napkin-ball after lunch.
- 4-in-1 family rides on our very own 'Allwyn Pushpak'.
- Geography Map completions.
- Tazos and Trump Cards and tattoos and what not!
- Badge Fight with classmates.
- 'Son-Pari' on Star Plus.
- The cursive-Handwriting improvement nightmare.
- Pad-Cricket after Examinations.
- A beautiful traffic-free Bangalore.
- The eagernessto ride an escalator.
Thats what Yesterday is.
A montage of memories - good or bad.
Having to take the timetable everyday..
Having to neatly iron my uniform in the morning..
Butterflies in the belly before every single elocution..
Fear of head-mistress doing the rounds...
@kau - Wallet too.
@alok - thank you.Peace bro. :O .
tnx pudz